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3月31日,2020年第六屆亞洲沙灘運動會(以下簡稱「亞沙會」)組委會對外正式發布了亞沙會吉祥物運動項目造型。亞沙會吉祥物「亞亞」化身為一名「全能運動員」,結合亞沙會17個競賽大項,詮釋時尚、環保、精彩、盛大的亞沙會理念,向世界發出熱情邀約。 在當天發布的吉祥物運動項目造型中,「亞亞」與競技運動定格在飽含視覺衝擊力的瞬間,呈現出時尚活力的神韻。它時而全神貫注、英姿颯爽,時而悠然自得、神采飛揚,用靈動的雙眸、熱情的笑臉、充滿活力的運動姿態,展現亞沙會積極進取、活力青春的競技精神。 根據不同的項目特點,「亞亞」呈現的維度也全然不同。「造型設計不僅要體現亞亞親切、可愛、靈動的形象,也要兼顧體育項目的速度、專業、力量等特質。」吉祥物運動項目造型設計團隊負責人鄭磊介紹,團隊力求用最簡潔、生動的形式呈現最佳效果。通過緊抓運動造型中的「決定性瞬間」,展現出運動項目的獨特內涵和意義。 亞沙會組委會相關負責人稱,吉祥物運動項目造型將作為賽會視覺體系的重要組成部分,被廣泛運用於體育場館、市場開發、形象景觀工程建設等多種宣傳推廣場合。 亞沙會將於2020年11月28日至12月6日在三亞舉行,這是海南首次舉辦洲際級綜合運動會。據悉,亞奧理事會批覆亞沙會競賽大項17個,分項19個,小項93個。這17個競賽大項分別是衝浪、沙灘足球、沙灘卡巴迪、武道(沙灘摔跤、柔術)、臺克球、3x3籃球、龍舟、水上運動(公開水域游泳、水球)、沙灘木球、沙灘田徑、游跑兩項、帆船、攀巖、摩托艇、沙灘排球、沙灘手球、動力滑翔傘。 ◆◆◆ Sanya Unveils Mascots in Motion for the Sixth Asian Beach Games On March 31, the Sixth Asian Beach Games Sanya 2020 (hereinafter shortened as "SABG") Organising Committee released the mascots in motion for the Games. In these images, the mascot Ya Ya is shown playing the 17 sports like an all-round athlete, interpreting the trendy, green, fantastic and magnificent concept of the Games and extending warm invitations to people around the world. Every mascot in motion displays a fashionable and energetic Ya Ya doing a sport with the best visual effect. Being attentive, robust, leisurely, and cheerful, Ya Ya embodies the enterprising, vigorous, and youthful sports spirit of SABG with its sparkling eyes, smiling face, and dynamic sports gestures. Ya Ya is posed in different ways according to the features of the sports. "The sports pictograms have to present not only an amicable, lovely and lively Ya Ya, but also the characteristics of each sport in terms of speed, professionalism and strength." The design team for the mascots-in-motion endeavors to produce a stunning effect in a simple but vivid manner, said Zheng Lei, head of the design team. Each of the mascot images captures the 「decisive moments」 of every sport and showcases its special value and physical excellence. As an important part of SABG's visual system, the mascots in motion will be widely used in occasions like sports venues, marketing, and image and look projects for the Games promotion, said the responsible person of the matter in SABGOC. As the first-ever continental multi-sport event to be staged in Hainan province, SABG will take place in Sanya from November 28 to December 6, 2020. It is reported that 17 sports, 19 disciplines, including a total of 93 events, as approved by the OCA, are set for the Games. The 17 sports are Surfing, Beach Soccer, Beach Kabaddi, Martial Arts (Beach Wrestling and Jujitsu), Teqball, 3x3 Basketball, Dragon Boat, Aquatics (Open Water Swimming and Water Polo), Beach Woodball, Beach Athletics, Aquathlon, Sailing, Sport Climbing, Powerboat, Beach Volleyball, Beach Handball, and Powered Paragliding.









壹讀 https://read01.com/KDgGagk.html











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